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What Is Your Life's Blueprint?

"What is Your Life's Blueprint?" was another Empowering speech from Martin Luther King Jr.

To note: from yesterday, his birthday, to this Monday, MLK day in the USA, I am going to post something from him or referring to him to honour his dream and to keep me committed to practicing the same truths I feel he desired.

Parts from: What is Your Life's Blueprint? "NUMBER 1: PRINCIPLE OF SOMEBODINESS Number one in your life’s blueprint should be: a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth and your own somebodiness. Don’t allow anybody to make you feel that you are nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance."

"NUMBER 2: DETERMINATION TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE Secondly, in your life’s blueprint you must have as the basic principle the determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor." "And once you discover what it will be, set out to do it, and to do it well."

NUMBER 3: COMMITMENT TO THE ETERNAL PRINCIPLES And finally, in your life’s blueprint must be a commitment to the eternal principles of beauty, love, and justice. Don’t allow anybody to pull you so low as to make you hate them.

It truly is amazing when you focus your energy on something what you end up attracting! My friend sent me this podcast today and I want to share it as well.

Russel Brand- Under the skin Podcast: Is history repeating itself?

Interview with Edith Eger who is a Holocaust survivor and a specialist in the treatment of PTSD…and is also 93 years old!!! She is very wise and awesome!

Here are some empowering messages and quotes from this podcast:

• Refuse to be a victim. • Say “Next” and learn from each experience. The Curiousity of what is going to happen next helped her to survive her time in the camps. • Chose to respond and how to respond. This is empowerment. • “What you think you create” • “We create an environment that people can feel any feelings without the fear of being judged. There is no right feeling or wrong feeling, there is only my feeling.” “Give yourself permission to feel the feeling.” • “Freedom is to let go and not to carry the hate because if I carry the hate I am still a hostage of the past. I live in the present I can only touch you now.” • “Love is what you do” • “You aren’t born to hate, you learn to hate.” • She was in the march on August 28, 1963 when Martin Luther King made his “I have a Dream” speech. • “I think in Auschwitz, we didn’t have competition or domination we had cooperation and I think that is where you and I are today, to also have a dream just like Martin Luther King, that we can use every experience how to unite and how to empower each other with our differences. Because you are you and I am I but two of us are stronger with each other than me alone. • She has a great technique to use when confronted with anger and/or judgement from another person. Tell yourself the more they talk the more relaxed I will become. Take a deep breath and rest into the negative stimuli. Just relax into it. Say to yourself I am practicing my low frustration tolerance level. The more they talk the more you relax with it. When they are done thank them for their opinion. Do not deny someone else’s truth.

Much easier said than done but that is why it is a technique to practice…practice… that is all we all can do.

Martin Luther King Jr: What is Your Life’s Blueprint? Video: Written:

Thought-full worksheet on What is your Life Blueprint?

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